Learning Series: Migration

The World Bank Group Institute for Economic Development and the Core Learning and Solutions Services (CLASS) are pleased to announce the launch of a new flagship learning series based on the World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees, and Societies.
Duration: 2-3 days per module
Date: sPRING 2025

What do we offer?

How can migration lift people out of poverty?
How can its benefits be measured?
How will current demographic trends and climate change affect future migration patterns?
And what can origin and destination countries do to ease the integration of migrants and refugees, and mitigate brain drain?

The learning series will address these questions and more in its nine modules, each designed to be self-contained and taught over two to four days.
  • Real Skills
  • Quality Training
  • User Centered

Who are we looking for?

Journalists covering migration and forced displacement issues; mid-level to senior officials and policymakers in government agencies; development practitioners in international and regional organizations working on migration and forced displacement; NGO workers; researchers and thought leaders from think tanks; and master's and PhD students.

Participants are expected to have a degree in journalism, communication/media studies, economics, political science, or the equivalent.
