Streamline Survey Cycles with Survey Solutions
This course is designed to provide an overview of all relevant topics for using the Survey Solutions platform to design, including: implementing and managing surveys; designing a computer-assisted personal or telephone interviewing (CAPI/CATI) app and preparing the server, creating survey assignments, monitoring survey progress, reacting to incoming interviews, among others.
25 hours -
5 hours -
Training typology
e-learning -
Completion certificate

What's included?
Hands-on sessions
Text materials
Peer to peer discussions
Learning Objectives
- Develop a questionnaire with Survey Solutions Designer.
- Prepare a Headquarters server for data collection.
- Set up and use Interviewer and Supervisor on a tablet.
- Monitor a survey with Survey Solutions and with data exported by Survey Solutions.
- Navigate the steps for preparing a Survey Solutions survey deployment.
Who we are looking for
Survey practitioners from National Statistical Offices, regional and international organizations, and research and academic communities that are involved in design, implementation and management of surveys.