Modelling Long-Term Growth in Developing Countries
By analyzing the World Bank’s Long Term Growth Model (LTGM), a set of spreadsheet-based toolkits to model growth in developing countries applied in over 50 countries, this course provides the tools for governments to improve their long/term economic growth outlook. The course offers: an introduction to key growth concepts, growth data, the LTGM suite of models and some case studies and hands-on workshops in small groups where participants will be asked to model future and past growth in their countries.
40 hours -
Rome, Italy -
Training typology
Onsite -
Completion certificate

What's included?
Hands-on sessions
Text materials
Peer to peer discussions
Learning Objectives
- Understand key growth models, concepts, and data.
- Produce their own estimates of future long-term growth in their country using the LTGM and simulations of diverse ways of boosting long term growth and their effect on poverty.
- Understand how public investment, Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and human capital affect growth.
Who we are looking for
Technical-level staff and managers in the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning, Central Bank, or other related government agencies, Ministerial Advisors, Staff at think tanks and research institutes, Academics in developing countries.
Meet our course coordinator
Steven Pennings
Senior Economist with the World Bank's Development Economics