Least-Cost Electrification for Energy Planning
This course introduces the Open-Source Spatial Electrification Tool (OnSSET), QGIS and the Global Electrification Platform (GEP). The program aims to discuss where grids, mini-grids or stand-alone technologies can be used to increase access to electricity in a country or region, at the lowest cost by using Geospatial electrification models. Key outputs of this model include the investments/capacity required, the share of the population to be served by each technology, and maps showing the distribution of these results over the area of interest. The course equips participants to combine GIS data with demographic and techno-economic information.
80 hours -
Africa -
Training typology
Onsite -
Completion certificate

What's included?
Hands-on sessions
Text materials
Peer to peer discussions
Learning Objectives
- Understand how energy planning tools can be used to develop new electrification solutions.
- Employ specific technical skills that focus on improved use of desktop GIS (QGIS) and energy modelling with Python libraries.
Who we are looking for
Ministerial energy planners, Private industry professionals, Students.
Meet the course coordinator
Benjamin Stewart
Senior Geographer with the World Banks' Development Data Group