Demographic Trends Across the World and International Migration
How will demographic trends shape the future of migration patterns? This course, part of the learning series "Migrants, Refugees and Societies", will provide an overview of demographic trends across the world and will take a deep dive into the 2022 Revision of World Population Prospects produced by the Population Division of the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Training typology
Onsite -
Completion certificate

What's included?
Hands-on sessions
Text materials
Peer to peer discussions
Learning Objectives
- Have good knowledge of demographic trends across the world.
- Understand key terminology used: e.g. population pyramids, demographic dividends, youth bulge, etc.
- Understand the data, methods, and assumptions underlying demographic data and projections.
- Be able to reproduce age pyramids, fertility trends, dependency ratios, and other demographic trends for any country or region.
- Be familiar with the implications of these trends for countries and for global labor markets.
Who we are looking for
Journalists covering migration and forced displacement issues; mid-level to senior officials and policymakers in government agencies; development practitioners in international and regional organizations working on migration and forced displacement; NGO workers; researchers and thought leaders from think tanks; and master's and PhD students.
Meet our core team
Quy-Toan (Toan) Do
Lead Economist in the World Bank’s Development Research Group
Ganesh Seshan
Senior Economist in the World Bank Poverty and Equity Practice Group