Capital Markets Development: Advanced Topics
This course explores advanced concepts in the development of capital markets, providing participants with a comprehensive review of three core topics: financial instruments issued in capital markets; the role of institutional investors as financial intermediaries; and the response of firms and governments as issuers of equity and debt. The course combines theory with state-of-the-art data analytics tools to offer insights into these subjects.
40 hours -
Rome, Italy -
Training typology
Onsite -
Completion certificate

What's included?
Hands-on sessions
Text materials
Peer to peer discussions
Learning Objectives
- Understand the recent use and apply financial instruments in capital markets of diverse and specific countries or regions.
- Demonstrate practical knowledge on the role of institutional investors.
- Interpret and effectively communicate data on instruments/issuers and on economic outcomes from capital market financing.
Who we are looking for
Junior to mid-level officials engaged in monitoring financial sector policies, particularly the staff of Central Banks, ministries of Finance, and financial regulatory agencies.
Meet our course coordinator
Alvaro Pedraza
Senior Economist, Development Economics